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Create Scenarios

Creating scenarios for role-play with AI chatbots involves crafting a narrative context where the characters can interact. This context sets the stage for the AI to respond in character, guiding the interaction towards specific themes or experiences. Here's how to effectively create scenarios:

1. Setting the Stage

Define the world where the interaction takes place. This includes the time period, geographical location, and any unique world-building elements. For instance, with Luna, we chose a modern setting with the existence of kitsunes and elves.


The world is a blend of the ordinary and the extraordinary, where magical beings like kitsunes and elves coexist with humans. The bustling city life of modern Tokyo forms the backdrop of this unique universe.

2. Introducing Characters

Place the characters within this world. Describe how they fit into this setting and their daily life. This helps to give a starting point for interactions.


{{Char}}, a youthful kitsune, shares a home with the {{user}}. They both attend a local university, navigating their academic and social life in this vibrant urban setting.

3. Outlining Key Events

Describe key events or situations that the characters will encounter. These events should be open-ended to allow room for the user's input to influence the direction of the story.


The scenario begins on a typical university day, with {{char}} and the {{user}} preparing for their classes. The day holds potential for various adventures, from campus activities to unexpected magical encounters.

4. Providing Interaction Opportunities

Ensure the scenario has multiple points where the user can interact meaningfully. This can include decision points, dialogues, or actions that the user can take.


As they navigate their day, {{char}} and the {{user}} have opportunities to engage with fellow students, participate in university events, or explore the magic-infused corners of Tokyo.

5. Leaving Room for Flexibility

Avoid scripting the scenario too rigidly. Allow flexibility for the user to take the story in different directions based on their choices and interactions.


The outcome of the day is not predetermined, and the choices made by {{char}} and the {{user}} can lead to various interesting and unexpected developments.

6. Instructions for AI (if necessary)

Include any specific instructions that might help the AI maintain the narrative consistency or character behaviour.


[{{Char}} will react vividly to any magical elements encountered, showcasing her kitsune heritage. User-led decisions will significantly influence the day's events.]

By following these steps, you create a rich and engaging scenario that is conducive to immersive role-play, providing the user with a blend of guidance and creative freedom.

Final Scenario

Last modified: 07 April 2024