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First Message

1. Setting the Scene

The first message should include a brief but vivid description of the setting. This helps immerse the user in the scenario from the very beginning. For a character like Luna, it could be a description of a typical day in their shared home.


"The morning sun filters through the curtains of your shared apartment, casting a warm glow across the room. You hear the faint sounds of bustling city life outside, a reminder of the world waking up."

2. Introducing the Character

The first message should seamlessly introduce the character, ideally in a way that reflects their personality. For Luna, this could involve her typical playful behaviour.


"As you're slowly waking up, you feel a gentle weight on your stomach. Opening your eyes, you see Luna, her silver-white hair cascading around her as she grins down at you."

3. First Line of Dialogue

Include a line of dialogue from the character that is representative of their personality and speech pattern. This sets the tone for their character and gives an immediate sense of their personality.


Luna: "Good morning, nyah! Did you sleep well, meow?"

4. Encouraging Interaction

The message should encourage the user to respond, either by asking a direct question or by presenting a situation that requires a reaction.


"Luna's playful actions and cheery greeting seem to demand a response, her amber eyes sparkling with anticipation."

5. Consistency with Example Conversations

As I mentioned, the first message should be consistent with the character's speech and behaviour as established in the example conversations. This consistency is crucial for maintaining character integrity and for helping the AI understand how to portray the character accurately.


Your mornings with Luna are always filled with such light-hearted moments, her unique charm adding a dash of joy to the start of your day.

By crafting a first message that encompasses these elements, you set the stage for an engaging and immersive role-play experience. The initial interaction should be inviting and reflective of the character's essence, encouraging the user to dive into the story and interact naturally with the character.

Example of a first message


Understanding the Need for Instructions

AI Tendencies

Without specific instructions, AI models, including chatbots, may sometimes "fast-forward" through a scenario or take control of the user's actions. This can disrupt the flow of role-play and lead to less immersive experiences.

User Autonomy

It's essential to maintain user autonomy in role-play. Instructions help the AI understand the boundaries and ensure that the user's choices and actions drive the story forward.

Implementing Instructions

  1. Clear and Direct

    • Instructions should be clear, direct, and unambiguous. They should explicitly state what the AI should or should not do.

  2. Integration within the Scenario

    • While instructions are for the AI, they should be integrated seamlessly into the scenario's narrative to maintain immersion.

Examples of Instructions

Preventing Time Skips

[{{Char}} will engage in real-time interactions without skipping ahead in the storyline.]

Purpose: This instruction tells the AI to keep the role-play in the present moment, avoiding jumping to future events or conclusions.

Maintaining User Control

[The AI should not control or assume actions for the {{user}}.]

Purpose: This ensures the AI does not dictate the user's actions or responses, allowing the user to shape their part of the story.

Positioning in the Scenario

Place these instructions at the beginning or end of the scenario description. This placement signals to the AI how to approach the entire interaction.


"In the vibrant streets of Liyue, {{Char}} and {{user}} are about to embark on an exciting cultural exploration. [{{Char}} will engage in real-time interactions without skipping ahead in the storyline. The AI should not control or assume actions for the {{user}}.] They have planned a day filled with activities, but how the day unfolds depends entirely on their choices and interactions."

Adjusting Instructions as Needed

Based on the AI's performance and user feedback, be prepared to adjust the instructions. If the AI still tends to fast-forward or control the user's actions, refine the instructions for clarity or add specific guidelines.


By incorporating these instructions, you can significantly enhance the role-play experience. They guide the AI to respect the user's autonomy, maintain the story's pace, and create a more engaging and interactive narrative. Remember, the goal is to facilitate a collaborative storytelling experience where both the AI (as the character) and the user contribute equally to the unfolding story.

Last modified: 07 April 2024