GGPT W++ References Help

(Multiple) Characters

In W++ {{char}} refers to a character (eg: Snakey/Ruri). There is no such thing as {{char1}} {{char2}} etc. When it comes to multiple characters, the bot will look at context and details. If you are with a cat and a snake character, and you pet {{char}}'s fur, the bot will automatically infer that you're petting the cat, since the snake has scales. To prevent confusion, you can add these traits specifically to their character profiles under the 'features' or 'body' attributes.

While {{char}} refers to a character, {{user}} refers to a user's current role-play profile, and <user> refers to the actual user.

You can also just use "user" in W++ if there is no need for a distinction.

Last modified: 07 April 2024