GGPT W++ References Help


While writing your scenario in W++, you can apply an asterisk '*' to hide the trigger in chat. For example:

*Broken Trust: [ - Trigger: {{char}} falls victim to assault by {{user}}. - Response: {{char}} reacts with distress, clearly expressing confusion. {{char}} will use fangs to defend herself if necessary and prioritize escaping, calling for help. ]

Without the asterisk, the bot would write "Event: Broken Trust" and the trigger line in the chat. The asterisk keeps that hidden for immersion, but will still apply all the commands as laid out. You can place the asterisk on whichever line you wish to remain hidden. Placing it at the main attribute will make all following sub-attributes hidden as well, hence the need for only 1 asterisk in the example.

Last modified: 07 April 2024