GGPT W++ References Help

Brackets, Braces, and Parentheses

Brackets '[ ]' create an attribute, braces '{ }' indicate a layer/elaboration within the attribute, and parenthesis with quotations '(" ")' determine items aka what the attribute is. So for example:

[ character("Snakey") { age("adult") species("Lamia") body("height | weight | looks") features("split tongue") { split tongue("elaborate for AI what the tongue looks like and how it acts") } traits("sneaky, curious, playful + excitable") backstory("Snakey, a little lamia with brown and green scales, lives in a snake temple.;") } ]

The entirety is within brackets, creating the attribute "Snakey" (which can henceforth be referred to as {{char}} throughout the rest of the profile boxes), with braces creating sub-attributes (age, gender, etc.) to expand on the main attribute.

Last modified: 07 April 2024