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To distinguish 'items' within an attribute, you can use several separator options with different functions to each: comma: ',' pipe: '|' plus: '+' and semicolon: ';'. Separators allow you to make multiple definitions within an attribute.

The comma and semicolon have the exact same function: they form a list, prioritizing first to last. However, the semicolon allows you to use commas as punctuation rather than a separator (see 'backstory' in example).

The pipe indicates different facets of an attribute. So for 'body' height, weight and looks are all things that describe the body attribute, but they're each a different facet of the body.

The plus indicates that the 'items' are related, they're an accumulation or combination of items. In the example, you can see I've used commas and a plus. Each item separated with a comma indicates a list that describe the attribute, while the plus indicates that 'playful' and 'excitable' are a combined item.

Last modified: 07 April 2024