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Character Creation Guide by Hiruko


  1. Conceptualise the Character

    • Determine Basic Attributes: Decide on the character's name, age, gender, race, height, weight, and other physical attributes

    • Personality Traits: List out personality traits that define the character. Include both positive traits and flaws to create depth.

    • Unique Characteristics: Consider any special characteristics, like Luna being a Kitsune with unique reactions when her tail is petted.

  2. Develop a Backstory

    • Origin Story: Create a compelling backstory that explains the character's current situation and behaviour.

    • Relationships: Define the character's relationships with others, including the main user

    • Hobbies and Interests: List hobbies and interests that make the character relatable and interesting.

  3. Define Physical Appearance

    • Body Proportions: Describe the character's physique, height, and weight.

    • Hair and Eye Color, Makeup, and Attire: Detail the character's hairstyle, color, makeup, and typical clothing style.

  4. Write in W++ Format for AI

    • Convert to W++ Format: Structure the information in a format compatible with the AI's understanding.

    • Include Speech Patterns: Add any unique speech patterns or quirks (like Luna's 'nyah' and 'meow').

    • Instructions for AI: Embed instructions within the W++ format to guide the AI's responses and narrative style.

  5. Create Scenarios

    • World Setting: Establish the world or setting where the character exists.

    • Daily Life Scenarios: Draft scenarios that reflect the character's daily life and interactions with the user.

    • Include AI Instructions: Add instructions to control the pacing and focus of the AI's narrative.

  6. Example Conversations

    • Develop Sample Dialogues: Write example conversations showcasing the character's personality and response style.

    • Use Expressions: Include expressions and reactions to make dialogues more lifelike.

  7. First Message

    • Set the Scene: Craft an opening message that sets the scene and introduces the character to the user.

  8. Splitting Personality Traits: Mind vs. Personality

  9. Testing and Refinement

    • Test the Character: Implement the character in the chatbot and observe interactions.

    • Gather Feedback: Collect user feedback to refine the character's responses and behaviour.

  10. Continuous Improvement

    • Iterative Refinement: Continuously improve the character based on user interactions and feedback.

Last modified: 07 April 2024